Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 2 Th 2023 ONLINE - Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Tahun 2021/2023 format online dan pdf dapat digunakan tenaga pengajar untuk mempersiapkan lembar ujian Penilaian Akhir Tahun di mata pelajaran bahasa inggris tersebut.
Materi Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Tahun 2023 mengacu pada Kisi Kisi dari masing - masing guru pelajar yang telah diselaraskan dengan KI dan KD Nasional (K13 atau pun KTSP). Cocokkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan satuan pendidikan masing - masing.
Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT) adalah sebuah kegiatan yang diadakan oleh Sekolah sebagai wahana mengukur capaian kompetensi di kalangan siswa, sesuai mapel (Bahasa Inggris) kelas 5 sd. Sudah diadakan dan dirubah istilah pergantian kurikulum 2013 revisi. Selanjutnya, fungsinya utamanya masih tetap sama yaitu sebagai penentu kenaikan kelas.
Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 2 Th 2023 ONLINE
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 berbeda dengan mata pelajaran tematik lainnya. Soal dibuat berdasarkan (KD dari Tema terkait) Kurtilas yang dipelajari oleh siswa Kelas 5 SD.
Selanjutnya, Central Pendidikan membagikan Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD dan Kunci Jawaban berjumlah sesuai kebutuhan latihan maupun penyusunan seperti yang kami ulas di bagian atas.
Selamat mengerjakan
(Full PDF dan Kunci Jawaban di akhir artikel)
I. Berikan tanda silang (x) pada jawaban yang benar !
1. In the text below Agricultural products except…..
a. Rice
b. Potato
c. Corn
d. Rubber
2. A :” Hy Andi, Do you know the results from agricultural?
B :” I know, ………. is one of them”
a. Sugar cane
b. Corn
c. Catfish
d. Wood
3. Energy can be received and released by an object.
The underline word above in Indonesia language mean ……
a. Diambil
b. Dihilangkan
c. Diserap
d. Dilepaskan
4. I am very …, So I buy a rice box in the store.
a. Angry
b. Hungry
c. Tired
d. lazy
5. Why size of the window frame is wider than usual?
a. To provide expansion space for the glass when it's hot.
b. To making glass cracking.
c. For decoration.
d. The glass will look biger.
6. Why glass filled with hot water suddenly breaks?
a. Because the glass melt.
b. Because of the uneven expansion of the glass.
c. Because glass is getting hotter.
d. Cracking class.
7. The students usually have flag ceremony on ....
a. Sunday
b. Friday
c. Monday
d. Saturday
8. The students wear their …… to school.
a. Uniform
b. Jeans
c. Jacket
d. Tshirt
9. Sukarno and Hatta proclaimed Indonesian independence on …...
a. 17 August 1945
b. 17 July 1945
c. 17 September 1945
d. 17 August 1954
10. Arta :”Sena, do you know who is Indonesia's first president?”
Sena :”Of course i know, ………. is the first president.”
a. Soeharto
b. Soekarno
c. B.J Habibie
d. Sultan Hasanuddin
11. Where was Soekarno born?
a. Bandung
b. Sulawesi
c. Surabaya
d. Yogyakarta
12. Who is the proclaimer of Indonesian independence?
a. Ir. Soekarno
b. B.J Habibie
c. Soeharto
d. Sultan Hasanuddin
13. Water is always available on earth because ……
a. Water experiences a cycle
b. Atmosphere
c. Rain always coming
d. Earth can hold water
14. Humans need clean water for?
a. Washing car
b. Daily lives
c. Watering plant
d. Take a bath
15. Rainwater is falling, some will be absorbed by the soil.
The underline text in Indonesia language mean…
a. Lumpur
b. Rumput
c. Tanah
d. Langit
16. Why rain so beneficial for farm?
a. To drink for farmer.
b. Rice will be harvesting soon
c. Because the rice fields won't dry out
d. I don’t know
17. When World Water Day celebrated?
a. March 21
b. August 22
c. August 21
d. March 22
18. Which one is not a daily activity using water?
a. Household
b. Industrial
c. Agricultural
d. Marketing
19. Andi :” Rony, do …… know why water always available on earth?”
Rony :” Because water experience a cycle.”
a. They
b. I
c. We
d. You
20. Water is a ……… substance
a. Single
b. Double
c. Mixture
d. Homogeneous
II. Answer the following question correctly!
1. A – Single – substance - is - consisting – material - of similar – substance
2. Material - into – and – mixed – divided – substances – single
3. Goes - market - to - Beni - the
4. Shape – are – compounds - of single – elements – and – Substances
5. There – seven – in – are days - a week
6. Mention 2 conductor objects!
7. “ Environment “ artinya ....
8. “ Clove “ artinya ...
9. “Tembaga” in English language is ...
10. “ Baja “ in English language is ...
Nomor Lainnya dan Kunci Jawaban di lampiran berikut ini.
- Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD v1, UNDUH
- Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD v2, UNDUH
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