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Latihan Soal PTS (Ganjil) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP 2022 Terbaru

Latihan Soal PTS (Ganjil) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP 2022 Terbaru Halo siswa SMP, melalui aritkel ini kami akan membagikan lembar ujian berupa Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 (Ganjil) tahun pelajaran 2022/2023 sesuai kisi - kisi Penilaian Tengah Semester yang dibagikan oleh guru di satuan pendidikan masing - masing.

Berkas ini diperlukan siswa SMP sebagai referensi pembelajaran dan persiapan untuk mendapatkan hasil terbaik di PTS Ganjil untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris atau English Kelas 9. Sedangkan guru dapat mengembangkannya lagi untuk kepentingan penyusunan naskah ujian resmi.

Penilaian Tengah Semester (UTS / PTS) di mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 digunakan untuk evaluasi capaian belajar siswa di pertengahan semester ganjil tersebut, berdasarkan KI KD Kurikulum 2013 Revisi.

Latihan Soal PTS (Ganjil) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP 2022 Terbaru

Berjumlah sebanyak 40 butir lebih yang kami bagikan secara online dan offline, dalam bentuk format dokumen pdf. Terdiri dari dua paket lembar soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1 yang berasal dari sumber daring dan bisa diunduh serta dipergunakan secara gratis.

Selamat mengerjakan.

#Note : Lampiran file PDF dan Kunci Jawaban di bawah artikel.

The dialog for questions no 1 to 3.
Sulaik : What are you doing here, Ely?
Ely : I am going to attend a seminar here in Horison Hotel.
Sulaik : What is the seminar about?
Ely : It is about how to become a successful online business.
Sulaik : Are you going to run an online entrepreneur?
Ely : Yes, I am. I want to develop my mother’s online fashion store.
Sulaik : I hope you achieve your dream.
Ely : I hope so. Thank you.
Sulaik : Don’t mention it.

1. Where does the dialog probably take place?
A. At seminar.
B. At Ely’s house.
C. At Horison Hotel.
D. At online fashion store.

2. What does Ely want to do in the future?
A. Work for a hotel.
B. Make dress for herself.
C. Be a speaker at a seminar.
D. Run an online fashion store.

3. What is Ely’s mother?
A. A fashion designer.
B. A shop assistant.
C. A fashion seller.
D. A dress maker.

The dialog for questions no 4 to 6.
Audy : How was your tryout?
Faroos : I got the second rank at my schools. How about you?
Audy : That’s great! Congratulation! I actually got the first rank in my class, but only fifth at school.
Faroos : Not bad. You need to study more.
Audy : I guess so. I hope I receive the best mark for the next tryout and final
Faroos : I hope so. I have to study hard because I want to get the best mark to enter the best
senior high school in our town.
Faroos : I hope so. I intend to study at the best vocational school here.

4. What are they talking about?
A. The cleverest students at school.
B. The final examination
C. The result of tryout
D. The best school.

5. What is Faroos’s rank in his school?
A. Second
B. Fifth
C. Third
D. First

6. What are the speakers’ hopes?
A. To attend a course to prepare for the final examination.
B. To achieve the best mark and study at the best school.
C. To get a scholarship from the best school.
D. To have more time to study.

The dialog for questions no 7 to 10.
Zidni : Nice trophy!
Ano : Thanks.
Zidni : It’s written here “The first winner of Story Telling Competition 2020” Don’t tell me that
you won the trophy?
Ano : Yes, I did.
Zidni : Awesome! Congratulations!
Ano : Thank you.
Zidni : Why didn’t tell me that you join a story telling competition?
If I knew, I would come to see and support you.
Ano : Sorry, I forgot.
Zidni : I hope you win in the next level of story telling competition.

7. What are the speakers talking about?
A. Zidni’s dream of being a story teller.
B. Zidni’s participation in competition.
C. Ano’s achievement in contest.
D. Ano’s plan for his future.

8. Zidni says, “ I hope you win in the next level of story telling competition.”
What does he mean?
A. He congratulates Ano.
B. He wishes the best for Ano.
C. He supports Ano to study English.
D. He agrees with Ano to tell English story.

9. How did Zidni know that Ano won a competition? He knew from….
A. the tropy
B. his friend
C. Ano himself
D. the competition website

10. From the dialog, we know that….
A. story telling competition will be held soon
B. Zidni and Ano used to practice story telling together
C. Ano asked Zidni to watch his performance in a competition
D. Zidni no idea that Ano participated in story telling competition

11. Look at the picture and choose the best wish.
A. Congratulations on your sickness.
B. Get well soon, my friend.
C. Why are you sick?
D. Don't be sick.

12. Look at the picture and choose the best wish.
A. Have a great school day, my friend.
B. I like the way you speak. Congratulations.
C. Congratulations on your graduation. I'm happy for you.
D. Congratulations on being the best singer. You did it very well.

13. Look at the picture and choose the best wish.
A. Congratulations on your achievement.
B. Congratulations on your graduation.
C. Have a wonderful birthday!
D. Have a great journey!

14. Look at the picture and choose the best wish.
A. Well done! I knew you could do it.
B. How beautiful. Thank you.
C. Have a great weekend.
D. What a wonderful day.

15. Look at the picture and choose the best wish.
A. Have a good time decorating your new house.
B. May you have a new home soon. Be patient.
C. I hope you are strong enough to unpack your belongings.
D. Congratulations on your new home. May it bring happiness for many years to come.

16. Arrange the words to make a good sentence.
1 - on
2 - poetry
3 - your
4 - success
5 - in
6 - the
7 - contest
8  - Congratulation
9 - reading
A. 8 – 1 – 3 – 4 – 7 – 5 – 2 – 9 – 6
B. 8 – 1 – 3 – 4 – 9 – 6 – 5 – 2 – 7
C. 8 – 1 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 2 – 9 – 7
D. 8 – 1 – 3 – 4 – 7 – 6 – 2 – 5 – 9

Complete the following dialogue to answer questions 17 and 18.
Aisyah : Hi, Ghania! I’m so grateful for what you have done for me.
Ghania : (17) . . It's just what a friend should do.
Aisyah : Yeah. (18) . . .
Ghania : Gee! You make my day. I'm glad to have a friend like you, too.

17. . . .
A. Thank you
B. Thanks a lot
C. Don't mention it
D. I don't understand

18. . . .
A. I'm so glad to have a friend like you
B. Tell me how to make your day
C. I'm happy to meet you here
D. Tell me how to help you

Complete the following dialogue to answer questions 19 and 20.
Ala : I'm going to take my holiday next week.
Zakir : Really? (19) . . .
Aal : I hope I can go to Songgoriti. It's in Malang, East Java.
Zakir : Cool! (20) . . .
Aal : Thanks.

19. . . .
A. Where are you going to go?
B. What are you doing?
C. Are you sure?
D. I doubt that.

20. . . .
A. Goodbye
B. The weather is bad
C. I hope you can't go
D. Have a great holiday

Complete the following dialogue to answer questions 21 and 22.
Daffa : The girls haven't come yet.
Zaidan : No, they haven't. I'm worried.
Daffa : Me too. (21) , . .
Zaidan : Maybe because of the rain.
Daffa : Well, (22) ...
Zaidan : Yes, I hope so.

21. . . .
A. Where are you?
B. Why are you here?
C. Where are they from?
D. Why are they so late?

22. . . .
A. I don't think they will come
B. I hope everything is alright
C. I can't understand why
D. I need you to know

Picture for questions no. 23, 24, 25
23. What ingredients do you need for making the pudding?
A. butter, sugar, apples, flour, water.
B. butter, sugar, golden, dish, flour, water.
C. margarine, golden, sugar, flour.
D. margarine, sugar, apples, flour, finger tips.

24. How long do we need for preparing “Novel Apple Pudding”?
A. thirteen minutes
B. fourteen minutes
C. fifteen minutes
D. sixteen minutes

25. What is the last step of the recipe?
A. Place flour in a bowl.
B. Bake at 1800 C for 1 hour.
C. Pour over apples.
D. Stir in sugar.

  • Download Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 v1 (Utama), UNDUH
  • Download Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 v2 (Jawaban), UNDUH
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